Heel–Face Turn: Ariadna stayed at the Rebel base after her experimentations, but she eventually joined the Martians after feeling uninterested by the ongoing human conflicts.Defrosting Ice Queen: A result of the Professor removing her past.Makes Abby's reaction to her former mentor being her latest enemy all the more poignant. Big Brother Mentor: Likely had this relationship in her previous life with Abigail as the student.

It's as big as she is if not bigger and uses it as a battering ram at close range. She joined the Martians after being unwittingly experimented on by the Professor. Self-Proclaimed Love Interest: "Eternal assistant", as she puts it.Ī former commanding officer of the Rebel Army.Remember the New Guy?: Unlike the other newcomers, she makes her debut in an event starring someone else (Navy in this case) before becoming a unit.Palette Swap: Without her costume, Percier looks similar to a glassless Fio but with green hair.Expy: As a persistent Self-Proclaimed Love Interest with a dominant color of pink and red hair decorations, she is basically the Amy Rose to the Professor's Sonic The Hedgehog.Expressive Shirt: Her costume's eyes bulge out when she's attacking similar to the Mars People.Early-Bird Cameo: Makes her first appearance in the "Mad Scientists" event before fleshing out her personality in Another Story.Dressing as the Enemy: Dresses up as a Mars Person and speaks their language to combat the actual ones the Professor has an affinity for.

Vague Age: It is unknown how long the Professor has lived throughout the various clones.He's rich enough to give Millefie money whenever she needed it. Non-Idle Rich: Made his finances from his research from the Rebel Army.Meaningful Name: Aionion is Greek for "eternal", signifying his constant resurrections.The Professor is also slightly shorter than the rest of the human units.
#Tv tropes metal slug skin
Little Green Men: Probably used the same cloning properties as the player clones from Metal Slug 3, causing his skin to turn green.
#Tv tropes metal slug series