
Tv tropes metal slug
Tv tropes metal slug

tv tropes metal slug
  1. #Tv tropes metal slug skin
  2. #Tv tropes metal slug series

Heel–Face Turn: Ariadna stayed at the Rebel base after her experimentations, but she eventually joined the Martians after feeling uninterested by the ongoing human conflicts.Defrosting Ice Queen: A result of the Professor removing her past.Makes Abby's reaction to her former mentor being her latest enemy all the more poignant. Big Brother Mentor: Likely had this relationship in her previous life with Abigail as the student.

tv tropes metal slug

It's as big as she is if not bigger and uses it as a battering ram at close range. She joined the Martians after being unwittingly experimented on by the Professor. Self-Proclaimed Love Interest: "Eternal assistant", as she puts it.Ī former commanding officer of the Rebel Army.Remember the New Guy?: Unlike the other newcomers, she makes her debut in an event starring someone else (Navy in this case) before becoming a unit.Palette Swap: Without her costume, Percier looks similar to a glassless Fio but with green hair.Expy: As a persistent Self-Proclaimed Love Interest with a dominant color of pink and red hair decorations, she is basically the Amy Rose to the Professor's Sonic The Hedgehog.Expressive Shirt: Her costume's eyes bulge out when she's attacking similar to the Mars People.Early-Bird Cameo: Makes her first appearance in the "Mad Scientists" event before fleshing out her personality in Another Story.Dressing as the Enemy: Dresses up as a Mars Person and speaks their language to combat the actual ones the Professor has an affinity for.

tv tropes metal slug

  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Doesn't get along well with Marty when she finds out he is the Professor's new assistant.
  • Butt-Monkey: Most of the Professor's assistants tend to dismiss and ridicule her.
  • The Bore: A reason why the Professor doesn't take much interest in her.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: She offers Harriot, a soldier of the Rebel Army, a chance to join the Martians in exchange for having three meals and a nap.
  • The Professor's "eternal assistant" when they were once working for the Rebel Army. He eventually does get cornered and killed by Abigail, however he comes back later in new body. Anytime the Professor is thwarted in the Extra Ops, the assailant is immediately ready to take him out until one of the Professor's comrades comes just in time to save him.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Double subverted.
  • tv tropes metal slug

    Vague Age: It is unknown how long the Professor has lived throughout the various clones.He's rich enough to give Millefie money whenever she needed it. Non-Idle Rich: Made his finances from his research from the Rebel Army.Meaningful Name: Aionion is Greek for "eternal", signifying his constant resurrections.The Professor is also slightly shorter than the rest of the human units.

    #Tv tropes metal slug skin

    Little Green Men: Probably used the same cloning properties as the player clones from Metal Slug 3, causing his skin to turn green.

    #Tv tropes metal slug series

  • Idiot Hair: The largest cowlick in the series beating out Eri's.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Despite moving to another enemy faction, the Professor is insistent to destroy the Rebel Army and their weapons.
  • It is unknown whether Aionion is his real name or an alias of his.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Simply referred to as the Professor.
  • Deadly Disc: The Professor's special is bringing a laser saw that pierces through enemies in a certain area.
  • The new body requires an unknown creature to lift and protect it.
  • Came Back Wrong: After being killed by Abigail, he returned with the only living clone available although it is older and fragile.
  • Ambiguously Human: Both of his known bodies have the sickly green color of the clones.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Due to the Professor cloning so much, it becomes difficult to determine what gender(if any) the Professor is supposed to be.
  • His latest incarnation is in a withered body called "Aionion". A scientist who worked for the Rebel Army before affiliating with the Mars People.

    Tv tropes metal slug